Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"No man is an island" is one of the most used sayings in the world. They say man alone could never live. We need our fellow human because we are all interrelated with each other. Yes, that's true, but it doesn't mean that you are going to rely all our decisions to others. You must only ask for some advice or opinions and use it to weigh cant really avoid when the time comes that no one listens to you. It feels like the world is turning its back on you and that's probably the hardest rejection a man could ever experience. But behold: you still have yourself. God gave you wisdom and brain and you should use it for your own good. Why do you think Gave each of us brains if you are not going to use it anyway?

When the time of problem comes and you have no one to lean on, don't worry nor be frightened. Hey, don't you trust yourself? You can make it . You only need to maintain yourself as morally complex and spiritually tough. Be strong. You must accept your weaknesses and strengths. You know yourself best. You must first accept and know yourself before others can. Express who you really are. If others are happy, then go on. If not, its not your problem anymore.

Here's the catch, it doesn't matter what others might say or think about you just as long as you know what you are doing, and you know it is right, no matter what they say to the contrary. Its a cinch that if there are things that they don't like about you, there are also things that you don't like about them. Its just a matter of accepting each others weaknesses and strengths.

Self reliance, a single word but conveys a lot of meaning. It is a useful tool in improving your personality. And it simply means courage. Courage to accept, to take risk and to take responsibility for the consequences of you decisions. Love yourself for you are a masterpiece of God.

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